Featured Programs
Wind program on Android
תוכנה זו מסייעת לעוסקים בספורט הקשור ברוח. התוכנה נעזרת בנתונים אשר מספקת תחנה הממוקמת במועדון השייט קיסריה. כאשר מפעילים את התוכנה ,נתוני הגרף האחרונים עולים מיד. לאחר מיכן מביאה התוכנה […]
Wind program on desktop
תוכנה זו מסייעת לעוסקים בספורט הקשור ברוח. התוכנה נעזרת בנתונים אשר מספקת תחנה הממוקמת במועדון השייט קיסריה. כאשר מפעילים את התוכנה ,נתוני הגרף האחרונים עולים מיד. לאחר מיכן מביאה התוכנה […]
API Form Maker
The program uses Delphi components and style to make an API DPR shell. The shell is very small compare to regular programs. The components are made from API. The […]
MDB Form Maker
While working on a Delphi project i found that there is no Auto making of forms for an MDB/SQL database. So i made this program. The MDB/SQL database uses 2 […]
Add characters to text lines Ver
This program will add text ,characters , in front and back of a text line. I needed , while development , to add large text lines as CONSTANT to Pascal […]
Connect ADB to device program
Created to quickly connect your Android device over WiFi to Install, run and debug your applications without a USB connected. It uses the ADB program. When the program start it […]
Hebrew Holidays (DELPHI components)
Free DELPHI components to help in using HEBREW holidays on Year Planner component And Rx date component Ver 1.0
NDK Shell
NDK Shell helps to compile SO files for Android developers. It workes using ndk-build.cmd in the NDK directory.
APK Loader
APK Loader, loads APK file to AVD simulator or my GALXI s2 phone. It workes using ADB.exe Android Debug Bridge- ADB.
APK Decompiler
APK Shell Decompiler helps to decompile APK files for Android developers. It works using apktool.jar, dex2jar.bat, jad.exe included in the program.
Volume of a Cylinder
APK for ANDROID ONLY!This program I made out of my necessity toknow the volume of a POT I use.It has three choicesround, frustum, and squareOne can also choose between a […]
Compile UI To PY files
This program is intended to compile UI files to PY files.You should have PYUIC5 on your computer !!.UI files are used by qt-designerhttps://build-system.fman.io/qt-designer-download.Qt Designer is a tool for quickly building […]
Python 2 Execute
Look where is your main PYTHON file to execute.The program has the directory and thePython program name from the main file name.The final program name is the main file name.What […]
Weight Logger software v5
Program RS232 with any configuration Send string to weight with any speed Analyze input string with HEX viewer Synchronize on any weight string Any communication specification Save weight to […]
Delete empty folders
In theory that depends on the blockallocation.The Default block size under NTFS is 4K,so an empty folderwill take 4096 bytes. Use this program to delete empty folders
NDK Shell
NDK Shell helps to compile SO files for Android developers. It workes using ndk-build.cmd in the NDK directory.
Screen Capture
This screen capture is different. It uses the program handle to catch the screen. This allows hidden screen to be saved. Saving the picture can be as a Bit Map […]
APK Loader
APK Loader, loads APK file to AVD simulator or my GALXI s2 phone. It workes using ADB.exe Android Debug Bridge- ADB.
Document Projects
This program came out of my need This program document all the projects files. Project files are documented as per file mask. Save their names to a database later on […]