
Create Dummy File

This software is to create files , of variable size , which do nothing.
Its main use can be to test disk, internet speed or to fill a free space on a USB disk.
Once the USB is full , no space to write , a virus mite not
be able to write to the USB disk.


Find Long Names

The logic behind.
A file consist of file directory, file name and file extension (including a point).
Each one has a size. The maximum size of each section depend on Microsoft operating system.
In general a file name of over 255 charactersMITE be too long.
Check what section of a file is above the size you want.
The file above the size number will be shown. No number , all files will be shown.
If one of the three section is UNDER or EQUEL to the size chosen, the file will not be shown.
Only  too long file names are shown.
There are two possibilities
1. Variable file name size
2. Fix file name size.
Variable file name will check portions of the file name path , name and extension for specific size.
Fix file name will take the whole file name and check for its length.
Be aware that in some situation even the name mite do some problems as opposed to  the whole path.
Which mean that even if the whole file name is of good length still the name ,or extension , mite not be !!!! 

Kml Gpx Reader

The program extracts information from the KML or GPX file by parsing the words
LineString and coordinates. Usually, there is ONLY ONE section for coordinates.
However, if there is more than one section a list of all the sections will be shown.
Furthermore, if no height data is included, the list will be empty and the graph will not
show any data.
If you find a KML or GPX that the program does not read
plz send it to me. Thanks

YouTube_DownLoader_Shell Ver


This program is a shell program using YOUTUBE-DL.exe for the download videos or songs from sites (which youtube-dl support).

After downloading my program make sure you have the latest YOUTUBE-DL.exe. Download –

Its main purpose is to ease the process of downloading.
The basic idea of the program is to open the program which will be Installed into the TRAY.
Go to ANY SITE (which youtube-dl support) copy the link by Ctrl C
and go on to the next site. One dose not have to “see” the main page of the program.
ANY Ctrl C will transfer the link to the list in the program (provided that  USE THE CLIPBOARD and ADD ON CLIPBOARD are on).
To see which sites youtube-dl support make “list-formats” on and press exe command
* Be aware that “legal” you tube format start with
If you made a mistake one can always delete from the list.
Make sure that your link start with http://  or https:// other wise it will nor copy.
Commands that the program execute
All command lines can be with or without  –extract-audio –audio-format mp3
All command lines can be with or without  –verbose
1. youtube-dl.exe –help
2. youtube-dl.exe –version
3. youtube-dl.exe –list-extractors
4. youtube-dl.exe –list-formats LINK or selected in link list
5. youtube-dl.exe –verbose  –extract-audio –audio-format mp3  –ignore-errors -o DIRECTORY /%(title)s.%(ext)s LINK
6. youtube-dl.exe –verbose  –extract-audio –audio-format mp3  –ignore-errors -o DIRECTORY /%(title)s.%(ext)s LIST OF LINKS
Further more if the above luck some feature one can write his own script and save it.
The script will be executed with youtube-dl.exe  + SCRIPT.
All sections can be saved to files with the extension “.TXT” .

Vnt Reader


Vnt Reader is a Samsung memo program, format decoder and reader.Files are read from a directory ,usualy “DropBox” or else. One can use the program on the desk top reading editing and saving to data base.

PHT Decoder

Screenshot - 07_10_2015 , 10_43_48

Free PHT Decoder for SK5000A pictures file. SK5000A cellular phone need to decode from PHT to JPG this is why I made this program. Ver 1.02

Multi Launch software v1.0


Free Multi Launch software.

With this program you can associate a button with as many programs as you wish.

The free version has only 11 buttons.

The pro version has up to 63 button and can do much more.